To continue the online backgammon education that I have been providing while we are unable to play live backgammon I will be giving my next lecture on Tuesday 27th October from 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm (approx)(UK Time)
This lecture, simply entitled “The Back Game’, focuses on one of the most complex areas of the game. I will look at back game basics, checker handling and doubling strategies, interweaved with a few stories that I have collected over the years.
The maximum number of attendees is 100 (the Zoom limit). Currently I have nearly 80 registrations.
To register please send an email to chris.bray@btconnect.com Zoom details will be sent out to those who register. There is no charge for the lecture but I request that if you do attend then you make a charitable donation of a minimum of £10.The NHS has naturally caught the spotlight in recent months but our local charities are suffering. I support React which provides financial assistance to low income families who have terminally ill children and I would be delighted if you would donate to them. You can do that at: https://reactcharity.org